January 22, 2014

STRRRREEEETCHHHHH! and Jungle Jim's! ;)

Jake and I have been going to the gym faithfully everyday to get "healthy"! One day last week, Jake told him that mommy was at the gym. Dawson then said: "Mommy is at Jung Jim's??" (Jungle Jim's) Haha I think Dawson was surprised that I didn't take him to Jungle Jim's with me! ;)

Another night after Jake came home from the gym, he was stretching. Dawson wanted to stretch with him. So we touched his toes and said... "STRRRRREEEEEEETCHHHHHH!!" like he was out of breath. Jake and Dawson had a very long stretching session just giggling back and forth while exaggerating their stretching skills.

ABC, 123!!

We have been working on our numbers and alphabet. Dawson can count "one, two, three" and say "A, B, C". We are proud of him! Here is a video of him counting with his fingers. He is too adorable!

January 13, 2014

So Innocent and So Sweet!

Dawson saw this picture on my chapstick tube and said, "Mom, Jesus? HI JESUS!" It was the sweetest thing! I am so happy and proud that our little Dawson recognizes who Jesus is and what he looks like! (or at least look-a-like pictures!) ;)

Another time this happened was when Jake was watching football and a commercial came on for Dr. Pepper Ten! The man in the commercial had longer hair and a beard. Obviously to Dawson, it looked a lot like Jesus! So precious and so innocent! Here is the picture of the man in the commercial. You can't blame Dawson for thinking this was Jesus, right?? 

We have been teaching Dawson all about temples and Heavenly Father and Jesus and it is amazing to watch him learn and remember what we are teaching him! We always think he isn't listening, but he is! We have a temple right by our neighborhood and we drive past it everyday. As soon as Dawson sees the temple, he gets so excited and says, "MOMMY, TEMPLE! Sing?" We always sing the song 'I Love To See the Temple' whenever we drive past, so I love that he remembers that we need to sing the song! We always ask him "Whose house is the temple?" And his ADORABLE response is... "Heavenly Sawder and Jesus!" Translation: Heavenly Father and Jesus! 

We love our little boy and we are so proud of him in everything he does! 

January 12, 2014

Little Cravings!

On this lovely Sunday evening at the Harward home, we were playing a fun game of hide and go seek and tag! Dawson loves these games with his mommy and daddy! As Jake and I were chasing Dawson around the living room and to the kitchen back and forth, back and forth while screaming and giggling like little kids ourselves, out of nowhere Dawson completely stops in his tracks and says in a panic "MOM!! PIZZA, LETS GO!!" He immediately ran straight to the garage door and reached for the door handle still screaming, "MOM! PIZZA LETS GO!" As you can tell, he loves pizza and gets sudden cravings for the stuff! (Little Caesars to be exact) To his disappointment, we had homemade chicken pot pie instead. Sorry Daws Man, maybe we can have pizza another night this week! ;)

January 08, 2014

A Jumble of Memories!

Exactly what the title of this post says... A jumble of memories!
Mid bath poop time. when you start seeing bubbles come from down under, its like a race to get them on the toilet fast enough before they poop in the tub! ;)
Dawson was Peter Pan for Halloween. This picture shows that he finally found his shadow! ;)
Dawson was TERRIFIED of Minnie. I can't wait to tell him that when he gets older! I think he'll be a smidgen embarrassed about that. ;)
Plumber Dawson!
The perfect blackmail picture one day... :)
(crazy eye) Dawson loves to see if he can fit into small areas all the time!

The other night as we were saying family prayer right before bed, I asked Dawson if he would like to say a prayer. He immediately started saying... "Night night trees, night night lights, night night Nemo, night night temple, night night Bub Guppies!" (bubble guppies) This instantly brought a smile to my face and melted my heart! 

Whenever Dawson thinks Jake or I have done something funny, he always says... "Hahaha siwwy mama!" (translation: silly mama)

He loves singing the 'Clean Up' song... This is the real version of the song. (sing the tune and words along in your head. Or out loud if you really want to. Hehe) "Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, Clean up, everybody do your share." This is Dawson's version of the song... "Clean up, clean up, clean up, cleeeeeeeean uuuuuuup!!" :) (I so wish you could hear him singing it. It is too adorable!)

When we went to Disneyland he was soooo excited to see Woody from Toy Story. He is Dawson's favorite! We were trying to hunt Woody down the whole time in Disneyland to try and get a picture with him and so Dawson could meet Woody. When we finally found him, Dawson got so excited and passed out. (ok, not really passed out from excitement. More passed out from being exhausted!) haha but don't worry, we found Woody again the next day and he was wide awake for that meeting and he was in HEAVEN!! ;)

In church while sitting in sacrament meeting, without fail Dawson always says "Amen" really loud and everyone turns around and smiles at him! Cute, right?? ;)

There are tons more, but my brain is hurting from thinking. So I will have to squeeze in more memories a little later! :)

Buzz Lightyear Wears Diapers!

Duh! Didn't you know that Buzz Lightyear wears diapers??

Let's Tease Daddy!

Dawson loves it when we play like we are asleep so he can yell "WAKE UP!!" We pretend it scares us and he runs off giggling. Well this time, he had to wake us up by giving us a smooch. He happily gave me a big smooch and of course I woke up from a deep sleep. ;) And for daddy, well that's another story. Apparently he didn't want to give daddy a kiss, but he wanted him to wake up. So he made his hand into a fist and pushed it up against his lips. Jake and I couldn't stop laughing! It reminded me a lot of the movie "Dennis the Menace" when the little girl makes the boy close his eyes and she makes him kiss her baby doll's bum. That is a great movie! Well it didn't stop there with Dawson. I told him to make daddy kiss his foot. So he did! He is hilarious!

Bathroom Praises!

When Dawson does something 'good' or behaves well, I LITERALLY jump up and down with excitement and squeal in this really high (and i'll admit, really annoying) voice! Did you watch my New Years video with banging pots and pans on our porch?? If you have watched it, you know exactly how my high pitch squeal, over the top, bubbly excitement sounds. Haha if you can't laugh at yourself, you can't (and wont) have fun in life! I definitely get the "Most Embarrassing Mom/Wife Award" and I am dang proud of it. ;) I always go a little crazy overboard. I want Dawson to always know how proud and excited I am of him. Well, it is definitely rubbing off on him...

Yesterday as I was coming out of the bathroom, Dawson was waiting for me outside the door and as soon as I walked out he was clapping his hands and jumping for joy yelling in his own little version of a high pitch squeal... "Good job mommy, good potty!! You did it!!" It made me feel good to see him noticing others 'good job' doings such as going to the bathroom. ;)

Let The Memories Roll!

This new blog is going to be ALL ABOUT DAWSON!! This blog is meant to be for the funny, sweet, silly things he does/says day by day! Now that Dawson is getting older, he is talking and talking and having the BEST conversations with me throughout the day. I need to write these tiny best moments down before I forget them. And you know what is so great about blogger?? You can print out every single blog post into a book so you can have these memories forever. We are excited to print this blog into a book for Dawson when he grows up so he can read all of the funny, joyous and innocent moments that happened as he was growing up. We are excited to start this blog and load it up with lots of 'Tiny Best Moments'!