June 15, 2015

1 Mile, Baby!

Jake's incredible mom, Lisa, ran her very first half marathon (13.1 miles) and rocked it! We are crazy proud of her and all of her accomplishments! She inspired Jake and I to run a half marathon in October. Its called The Haunted Half and we are scared, excited, nervous and more excited! WE WILL DO THIS!!!!! Anyways, tonight was my first training. We went to Herriman High School to run in their track. Dawson ended up running THE ENTIRE TIME with me!!!! He ran 1 whole mile all by himself and didn't stop once to smell the roses. He just kept running and running, in flip flops I might add. Next time we'll know to put him in tennis shoes! We have a future runner on our hands! :)

Scary Lightning Storm

Tonight there was a pretty impressive lightning storm that had really bright flashes of lightning and huge BOOMS immediately after. I was loving it, but Dawson on the other hand was not. I kept needing to tuck him in and giving kisses and hugs and reminding him that he was safe in his warm and cozy house. I gave him one of his favorite stuffed animals, Daniel Tiger and told him that he will keep him safe and to snuggle him. Dawson then looked at me and said, "No mom, Jesus Christ will keep me safe!" I looked at him and just smiled and said, "You are absolutely right!" He teaches me wonderful things everyday like faith, courage, and to NEVER give up. I love him so and I am so proud that he already has his own true testimony of Christ! That is the besr feeling, ever!

Long Time, No See

I am so sad that I haven't updated this in almost a year! Shame on this momma! The last time I posted was clear back in July of last year, right before the pregnancy sickness hit me. In the early stages of pregnancy, ok lets be honest, my whole entire pregnancy I am so sick. I can hardly make it off the couch, let alone take care of my family. It's really hard but I am so grateful for these sweet babes! We had our little love, Logan, on April 1st 2015. What a blessing he has been to our family, we love him so much! Watching both of our boys together is definitely the cherry on top! It's simply amazing! So that is why I have neglected my blog... until now that is. I really need to keep this up so I can remember all of the funny, not so funny, and sweet things my boys say. (Well it will be a little while before Logan starts talking!) ;)
Here are a few funny things that I can remember:
1. In a very manly and confident voice Dawson says, "Mom, I'm a grown up man, now you can take off my training wheels!"
2. As he wakes up from his nap, Dawson (very loudly) announces, "Crazy boy coming down the stairs!"
3. Dawson (being the 3 year old that he is) was having a major tantrum the other day because his green cup was not clean and he had to drink from his blue cup. I told him if he didn't end this temper tantrum that we were not going to Mimi's house. He immediately stopped and looked at me with very concerened eyes and said very dramatically, "Noooo mom!! I have to see Mimi, I just love her so much!" The temper tantrum ended.
4. "Mom, you are my very best friend, and dad is my very special friend and Logan is my very special brother!"
5. It was Dawson's 3rd bday and we asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner. We gave him a few suggestions such as pizza, chicken and fries (Wendy's happy meal), etc. He said he just wanted Mac N Queso. That's what we call macaroni and cheese and that is exactly what he got. ;) He is a very easily pleased little boy.
6. Halloween was coming up and we asked Dawson what he wanted to be for Halloween. We for sure thought he was going to say something like Mike Wazowski, Woody or Buzz. But he chirped right up and said, "I want to be a hot dog!!" Amazon came to the rescue and we got him his hot dog costume! Jake and I were very surprised by his choice in costume, but boy oh boy, he was the cutest little hot dog, ever!!
7. Dawson- "Mom, you are beautiful." Me- "Awe thank you so much, Dawson! You are so handsome!!" Dawson- "Yeah I am."
8. "Mom, is Santa going to bring me my Birthday presents?"
9. We were at the grocery store one busy day. I was pushing the shopping cart out of the aisle and I almost ran into another lady's shopping cart. I said excuse me and Dawson said in a very high pitch tone, "Oooh mom! Good manners!"

There are sooo many more, but I can't think of them all at once, so I will keep updating as I remember, and of course all of the new things that Dawson says! :)