July 27, 2015

My Tummy Is Talking To Me.

Dawson was going to the bathroom and I came into the bathroom to see if he was almost done and to wipe his bum. Dawson said, "No, mom. I'm not done pooping. My tummy is talking to me and it said that I still have 3 more poops to come out." :)

July 21, 2015

So Innocent

Dawson- "Eeew, that's risgustin'." Thats his word for 'disgusting'. Haha he is so sweet! :)

July 01, 2015

Talkin' Like A Doctor

The other day we were driving home from the store and the sun was shining so bright right into Dawson's window. Out of nowhere he says, "Mom, if I look at the sun too long it will hurt my cornea." He said it just so matter of fact. Haha I, of course, couldn't hold in my laughter. He's too much! I just love him!