August 26, 2015

Special Brother Bond

It honestly doesn't matter what the age difference is, brothers have such a special bond from day one. It is AMAZING to witness this first hand with my two boys! Logan loves Dawson so much and he instantly smiles when he sees or hears Dawson in the same room. Dawson is a natural protector, too. He doesn't like it one bit when someone he doesn't know well, will hold Logan. He's not afraid to tell them that they can't hold his little brother. Another time was when Logan had a check up and Dawson was holding his hand and telling him, "Shhh it's ok baby. Don't be scared. The doctor is nice."

These brothers LOVE to play peek-a-boo. Dawson gets out a blanket and plays with Logan any chance he can get. I love hearing their giggles. It is the sweetest sound in the whole wide world.

Being a mommy of two boys is the greatest blessing. I'm already having the time of my life watching them grow up. I can only imagine it gets even better as they get older.

Logan Toots!

Logan tooted the other day so incredibly loud. It was a grown man fart. Not kidding. Well it scared him and he looked at me with scared eyes and started bawling. It was so sweet and sad at the same time.


Dawson can be such a snuggle bug when he wants to be. I sooo wish he was snuggly, but I do cherish the moments when he agrees to snuggle with me! :) The other morning he climbed into my bed around 6:30 am. (he does this every morning, I hope he never outgrows this) When he climbed in he said in a cute, morning breath whisper, "Mom, wanna snuggle with me?" It was so cute and it melted my heart! I love me some Dawson snuggles! I can't wait until Logan is older and can snuggle in bed with us, too! He is still tiny!

Boogers and Running Out of Air.

The other day Dawson came to me in a worried voice and said, "Oh mom. My nose is running out of air because I have really big boogers up there." He is so cute.