May 15, 2016

Playing Catch Up...

It has been super crazy around the Harward household! We sold and moved out of our very first house!! We loved our first home, but it was time to move on. We are building our home in Eagle Mountain and we LOVE it!! It's just framed right now, but we can't wait to move in!! Right now we are living with my parents and Dawson and Logan have been loving it!! They get to see Mimi and Grumpa everyday! 😄

Now I'm going to catch up on the little best things that have come out of our little guys mouths and fun things that they have done, too!

- Dawson came upstairs the other morning to go potty after a long nights sleep. Mimi was getting ready for work and she asked him if he needed help zipping up his jammies. He told her no and said, "My mom is the best helper in the world with my jammies!" My heart melted when my mom told me that!! 😍

-I was putting Dawson to bed and he was not wanting me to leave his room. He has been having a hard time falling asleep lately. He asked me for a blessing (sweetest request!!!!!) and I lovingly explained that I don't hold the Priesthood like daddy, so I couldn't give him a blessing, but I told him that we could say an extra prayer that night to help him feel better and to feel at peace to go to sleep. We said our prayer and as soon as I ended the prayer Dawson says to me with a peaceful face, "Mom, I feel the Holy Ghost! My eyes are watery and I feel warm and fuzzy and good!" I cannot tell you how comforting that was to hear from him! My 4 year old recognized the feeling of the spirit! That was one of the most rewarding experiences! So WONDERFUL!!! I love the Gospel and for the peaceful feelings you get throughout life living the Gospel. This moment I had with Dawson really strengthened my testimony! The Church is true!! I truly hope and pray that he will always remember that feeling and want that in his life as he grows!

-Logan can SCREAM. Lot just a tiny little scream. No- Ear piercing, glass breaking screaming!!!! Oh my gosh!!! If we don't feed him fast enough, he will just scream until our ears fall off of our head. Haha!!! Crazy boy.

-Logan loves to look at himself in mirrors, talk to himself, giggle at himself, sing to himself, and is just the CUTEST little guy you've ever seen!!! 😍

-Dawson was helping Mimi out in the garden the other day and she explained that the snails were eating her Hosta plants. Dawson came running in to tell me and this is what he said... "Mom!! The snails are eating Mimi's pasta's!!!!" Haha!!!!!! 😂 Another cute word mixup he had said recently is "Pasquito" for "Mosquito". Oh my goodness, he just melts my heart with all of his sincere innocence!

- Logan loves waving to anyone and everyone! He always waves to cars that drive by, or in the store to people, he is just so sweet and social!

- Logan loves to play games! He puts his Binky behind him and we grab it and put it on top of his head and we do that over and over with lots of giggles and slobbery kisses! He also loves putting blankets on his head to play peek-a-boo! Oh goodness!!

I love being Dawson and Logan's mom!! They are my greatest blessings!! ❤❤❤