February 14, 2014

OCD Much??

Dawson is constantly making sure things are straight and that in line to his standards! The other night he and his friend were racing back and forth, and in the middle of their running pathway, they had to jump over a toy truck. Tricky eh?? Well Dawson was running after his friend and his friend jumped over the truck but his heel caught the toy a little bit and made the truck crooked. Dawson in the middle of his sprint stopped dead in his tracks and straightened the truck and then proceeded to run. So funny! :)

"You Ok??"

I know I say it over and OVER again, but Dawson really is such a sweetheart! He is already selfless and worried about everyone around him other than himself. There have been a lot of these incidents, but I will just list a couple.
We were at Jake's church ball game the other night and one of the basketball players fell on the ground. Dawson immediately stopped what he was doing, ran over to me and asked, "Boy, he ok? He ok?" Another incident was when we were at Target and a baby was crying and he looked at me with his BIG, beautiful brown eyes and said, "Mommy, baby hurt? Baby ok?"
Dawson is truly an angel! He is already showing his personality and compassion towards others, and at only 2 years old! (well ALMOST 2 years old next month.. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE???) He is so selfless and caring! It is amazing to watch him grow up into an AMAZING boy! (I've always known he is an amazing little boy, right from the first moments I saw him!) I am so incredibly blessed to be his mommy!!

Already Introducing Himself!

Whenever Dawson meets someone new, he automatically says while pointing at his chest... "Name, Dawson!" So sweet! :)

February 12, 2014

Bless You!

Dawson has been on a kick lately about coughing/sneezing and telling himself or the person who sneezed or coughed with a sweet "Bless You!"
We were watching Toy Story 2 when Woody's arm accidentally got ripped in the seam from Andy playing with him. He was "shelved", as the toys call it on the movie. When Woody hit some dusty books on the shelves it made him cough and Dawson said, "Bless you, Woody. Bless you!" I about died with all that cuteness!

February 09, 2014

Step Back From the Snickers Bar, and No One Gets Hurt..

Dawson and I were at the grocery store the other day and this lovely thing happened that made me proud. We had all of our groceries and we were standing in the check out line and Dawson knows (for the most part) not to touch things he is in reach of like candy bars, the drink machine door thingys, all of the "As seen on TV" items, just pretty much anything they try to get you to add on at last minute. Well as I was putting all of our groceries on the conveyor belt, I hear Dawson say, "NO TOUCH, NO NO!" I look up and he is pointing at the lady behind us telling her that she can't touch the Snickers Bar she had in her hand. She giggled and said, "Haha you are right little man! I shouldn't be touching this!" I quickly said that I was so sorry and the nice lady said, "He knows what he can and cannot touch, so why in the heck can someone else touch them if he's not allowed to??" We both laughed and said that motherhood is the best thing and that our children keep us in our place! Although this was a slightly embarrassing incident, I was very proud of Dawson that he knows what is right and wrong! Silly goose! :)

February 08, 2014

Bedtime Friends!

Here is the list of Dawson's current bed time friends. We literally have to do a roll call every night just to make sure we didn't skip any toys. ;)
1. Monkey (First stuffed animal he ever got!)
2. Nemo
3. Buzz
4. "Stokey" and his hat. (AKA: Smokey the Bear and his hat MUST be with Smokey when it's time for bed)
5. Elephant (This poor elephant looks like a happy meal toy, but Dawson LOVES him dearly. He got this elephant from the hospital when he had RSV, and he hasn't left his pillow since!)
6. And last but not least (i'm sure) is Sulley!

Dawson's bed is quite the full house! :)


Every night as a family we say our prayers and I sing to Dawson. During our little singing time, he looks at me, grabs my cheeks and pulls me in for a kiss followed by, "I yuv you mama!" Melts my heart!

Sweaty Toes

Dawson's little hands and toes get sweaty quite often. Cold and clammy is more like it. We find ourselves needing to buy him new shoes more often than the average 2 year old because they get stinky fast. (And yes we have tried baby powder in his shoes, baking soda, etc. and he ALWAYS wears socks with his shoes. Poor little guy is going to have these problems as he continues to grow up) As I was changing him into his jammies tonight right before bed, I was taking off his shoes and socks and I said in a silly voice... "I'm going to eat these cute little sweaty toes!!" Dawson's response, "Hahaha SWEATY TOES, SWEATY TOES!!"