February 09, 2014

Step Back From the Snickers Bar, and No One Gets Hurt..

Dawson and I were at the grocery store the other day and this lovely thing happened that made me proud. We had all of our groceries and we were standing in the check out line and Dawson knows (for the most part) not to touch things he is in reach of like candy bars, the drink machine door thingys, all of the "As seen on TV" items, just pretty much anything they try to get you to add on at last minute. Well as I was putting all of our groceries on the conveyor belt, I hear Dawson say, "NO TOUCH, NO NO!" I look up and he is pointing at the lady behind us telling her that she can't touch the Snickers Bar she had in her hand. She giggled and said, "Haha you are right little man! I shouldn't be touching this!" I quickly said that I was so sorry and the nice lady said, "He knows what he can and cannot touch, so why in the heck can someone else touch them if he's not allowed to??" We both laughed and said that motherhood is the best thing and that our children keep us in our place! Although this was a slightly embarrassing incident, I was very proud of Dawson that he knows what is right and wrong! Silly goose! :)

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