April 24, 2014

Sleep Talking

Every night right before I head off to bed, I go in and check on Dawson. I cover him back up with his blankies, turn off his night light and sneak in a few extra goodnight kisses. The past few nights he has been sleep talking when I go in and check on him. Mostly jumble of words that I can't always understand, but tonight I understood a little bit more of he was saying... "Juice, nope." That's what he said as soon as I walked in his room. He must have really wanted some juice in his dream and I said nope! ;)

April 13, 2014

"No, No Honey"

Dawson didn't want to do something that I asked him to do, and his response was, "No, no honey. No, no sweety, hun!" Hahaha I couldn't help but smile and give him the biggest hug and kiss!! What a sweet response from a 2 year old!

April 07, 2014

Football Team and "Space Balls"

Dawson is already a sports loving guy! Jake plays on a basketball team on Monday nights and Dawson gets so excited! For the whole day he asks when we are going to daddy's "football team" (basketball team). Even when Jake is just wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt, Dawson automatically thinks that means we are going to "football team". He is a die hard BYU fan already, too! He loves to cheer, (while rolling his arms and hands and throwing them in the air), "Gooooooo Cougars!!" Its so adorable! If Jake is wearing a BYU shirt or hat, Dawson gets so excited and points to it and says, "Cougars, BYU! RAWR!!" (He loves making the sound of a cougar! If there is a game on tv, he loves to watch it with daddy!

Dawson loves baseball, too! He calls it "spaceball". Haha its so dang cute! He got a tee and bat from my brother, Uncle Trent, for his birthday! He loves to play with it! Jake has been teaching Dawson how to hold the bat correctly and Dawson can hit the ball off of the tee pretty dang far!! He is already a pro! He can start playing tee ball next year when he turns 3, and let me tell ya, that is going to be so fun to watch! Here is a little video of Dawson hitting the baseball off the tee! He's a pro! :)

April 03, 2014


Dawson had a WONDERFUL birthday! Or I hope we made it wonderful for him at least! We woke up, opened presents from mommy and daddy and then went straight to IHOP for breakfast where they sang Happy Birthday to him and gave him an ice cream sundae at 9 in the morning! Haha it was cute! After that, we headed straight to The Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake. My wonderful mom (Mimi is what Dawson calls her!) gave him a year membership to this toddler heaven for his birthday! We are going to be going there LOTS! I have so much fun watching him! We spent 2 hours there and then headed to City Creek and went shopping at the Disney store. His Uncle and Aunt and cousin gave him a gift card there so we went and bought him so Toy Story figurines and Cars figurines. After that, we went home and took a nap. When Dawson woke up, we asked him what he wanted for dinner. He said, without thinking twice, "Chicken, fries and sprite!" So off to Wendy's we went for his birthday dinner! We came back home and he played and played and played some more with all of his new toys and ended with Frozen right before bed! It was a FANTASTIC day! We LOVE Dawson more than anything and we can't believe he is TWO!!

We celebrated his birthday with family the night before his actual birthday. He wanted a Woody Party, and that is exactly what he got! :) He was telling everyone that he was having a Woody birthday party! Random people at the store, his nursery leaders at church, everyone! It was so cute and fun watching him be so excited for his birthday! :) He got so many wonderful presents from family! However, he went to bed with a fever after his party that night! :( He was sick last year on his first birthday, and sick again this year for his second birthday! Poor little dude cant catch a break! Luckily his medicine kept his fever down so he was still pretty happy! :) Since this is pretty much my journal of remembering all of the wonderful things, I am going to write down what we ate at the party so I don't forget! We had shredded bbq chicken sandwiches, potato salad, potato chips, fruit, veggies and of course, cupcakes! I am so sad that I forgot to take a picture of the food table! :( But here are some pictures from the party! Enjoy!

Jake is an amazing artist and drew Woody on our chalk board for Dawson! :)

I made this fun balloon arch! 

Singing Happy Birthday to my big 2 year old!
Drink station (obviously before they were filled, lol) There was water and yellow lemonade!

Birthday banner I made for Dawson!

Cupcakes I made for the party! I put little sheriff badges on top to match the theme of Woody! 

Our little family with Grammy and Papa!

Our little family with Gramps and Jeri!

Our little family with my family! Grumpa, Mimi, Uncle Trent, Brittni and Jasper (the cute dog!)

Our little family with Jake's family! Pops, Grams, Uncles Josh and Joey!

Our little family with my Aunt Carolyn, Cousin Noelle and Travis and little baby cousin "Baby Jacket" Dawson wasn't feeling good at this point if you couldn't tell! :(

Our little family with Jake's sister's family. Uncle Ian, Aunt Jeni and cousin Tucker!

Dawson on the morning of his birthday! He just opened his presents and he put his new helmet on right away and hopped right onto his new scooter! He LOVES it! Jake and I also gave him Lets Go Fishing game. He doesn't quite get how to play, he just loves catching all of the fish with the little fishing poles! :) He got a new shirt and a little football!

Dawson waiting to get in at The Discovery Gateway!

Dawson standing in front of our height ruler showing how tall he is at 2 years old! My big boy!!

My AMAZING brother, Trent, is such a talented photographer! He of course took Dawson's 2 year photo shoot! There were over 750 photos to choose from! It was so hard to choose! Here are just a few of our favorites! Enjoy!

"I Yuv You Momma!"

Dawson has really been a mommy's boy lately and I am LOVING it! He is usually a daddy's boy, which he still is, but he has REALLY been attached to me these past few weeks and I am glowing! He comes up to me so many times during the day, hugs me tight and says, "I yuv you momma!! So much, momma!" He then backs up and gives me a kiss! It melts my heart!

Sign Language

We LOVE story time at the Herriman library. We go every single Thursday! The teacher sings "The More We Get Together" in sign language and Dawson loves it! He picked it up really fast, too! We sing it all of the time at home, I love it. Since he picked sign language up so fast, I am working on sign language with him now. Just basic stuff like eat, water, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, hungry, the alphabet, etc. I'll catch him on video singing and signing, "The More We Get Together", you will die from all of the cuteness! ;)


Dawson loves to pray! He reminds us everyday right before every meal that we need to say a prayer. It's so adorable! He mimics EVERYTHING we say. We tease and say he is a parrot. He repeats everything. This makes prayer time so sweet hearing him repeat our words with his cute little voice and how he pronounces words with his R's and L's. ADORABLE! We even let him say his own prayers and it is so sweet and is the BEST thing to listen to. His favorite part is "Name of Jesus Christ, amen"  

One, Two, Three...

Dawson is a counting pro. He can now count to 15! Such a smarty pants! Here is a video of him counting! This video I filmed last week, so he only counts to ten, but I will try and get a video where he counts all the way to fifteen! Enjoy all of the cuteness! :) P.S. Dont mind my excitement at the end! ;)

Audrey Pretty

Dawson loves watching The Lorax and every time Audrey comes on the screen, Dawson says, "Audrey pretty!" He must have a thing for red heads! So cute!!

"Let It Go, Let It Go!"

Dawson sings "Let It Go" and it's adorable to say the least. Jake bought us the CD to have in the car so we are ALWAYS listening to it, which is totally fine with me. I quite enjoy it, A LOT! This is Dawson's version. "Let it go, let it go! Hold me no more. Let it go, let it go."

When we listen to the "snowman" song, he loves the part where Olaf says, "HAPPY SNOWMAN!" Dawson says it over and over! So cute!

Silly Faces

Dawson and I were sitting in the drive through at McDonald's today (I was getting my lovely Diet Coke for a buck and getting Dawson some cookies for doing such a GREAT job listening to mommy while we were at story time at the library) and it was the looongest line EVER! Can you say lunch rush?? Sheesh! Anyways, while we were sitting there, we were listening to our CD "Frozen" and singing along and having a good ole time. Dawson got quiet in the back seat, so I looked in my rear view mirror to see if he had fallen asleep or if he was reading his book. He was doing neither of those things. He was making faces. Legit faces, to himself. (he thought no one was watching him. haha!) It was hilarious, I turned around and looked at him giggling and saying how cute he was and those cute, silly faces were quickly gone and his little eyebrows went angry and he said, "Mom, no! Mommy, no watch me!" He was slightly embarrassed that he was caught doing these faces. ;)