September 26, 2015

Because I'm Still Three...

That is Dawson's excuse lately if he doesn't want to do something or eat something. Here are just a few examples...
1. Me: "Dawson, will you please pick up your toys?" Dawson: "No, mom. I can't, because i'm still three years old."
2. Me: "Dawson you need to eat your dinner. If you don't eat, you are going to be so hungry for bed. Please eat so you can grow big and strong and be so healthy." Dawson: "No but I can't, because i'm still three."
3. Me: "Hey Dawson, before we can go outside to play, you need to put on your shoes. We can't go outside barefoot because you can get hurt." Dawson: "I can't get hurt if I go outside barefoot because i'm not four, yet. I'm still just three."
4. The neighbor boy tried to give Dawson a little bag of fruit snacks and I heard Dawson say, "No thanks. I don't want any right now because i'm three years old."

There have been a bajillion more times he has used this excuse, but those ones above are just a few of my favorites.

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